Tuesday, May 21, 2013


krik krik krik..
dh bsawang dh blog aku ni xupdate2 lngsng..
apa cer ni..
nk cite apa ni..
nk buat apa ni..
nk mereka apa ni..
nk merepek apa ni..
nk apa2 pun apa ni..
nk cakap apa benda ni..
merepek merepek merepek..
ok, thats enough ann..

this short entry just nk ckp aku rndu kwn2 aku..
like seriously rindu gila nak matiiiii..
rasanye mcm dh byk sgt je cite rndu kwn2..
but then, kwn2 nk rndu kn aku ke??
mcm x je kn..
but its up to them as long as i still ingt kwn i kn..
uollsss xnk ingt, iolsss nk wt mcmna kn..
iolsss redha je lh knn..
opss!!teremosi plk memalam ni..
bukan apa mak jemah, lately aku ni makan hati dgn org..
xtau lh aku ni sensitip ke apa kn..
tp ntah lh..
malas nk fkir..
lbh baik cite psal kawan2 time diploma dlu kn..

sue,wahida, ibah, ida, elys:
actually akk korg ni xnk cite psal korg pn ok mak jemahhhh!!
tp msa duk fkir apa bnda nk tulis, tbuka lh album msa part6 dlu kannn..
so, rela dlm terpaksa ajelah akk tulis psal korg ni..
hahaha..just joking..
no heart feelings ok..
akk tau korg jns yg bkn heart feeling tlebih2 ni..

akk tgk gmbr time kite PGN tu but then xberapa nk bg impact sgt lh gmbr tu..
then buka album lg 1, haaaa!!amik kau mak jemah!!!
album tu bru bg impact kt aku..
mcm2 gmbr korg aku simpan mak jemahhh!!
bertutup ada, xbertutup pn ada...
takut x takut x??

xdelah, no worries..suma btutup..tutup litup lgggg...
still remember bout the photos taken at blk stdy tu??
yg tu lerrrrr..
nk post kt cni, mcm xblh je kn..
so korg ingt2 sndri lh ye..
time stdy tp borak..
time borak nk mkn plk..
mkn "binatang" plk tu..(as uolsss called it lh kn..)
dh mkn, nk msak memasak plk kn..
mcm2 lh korg ni..

but then, it is all the memories that cannot be erased..
those memories mmg xkn dpt blk unless were stay together b4 we get married..
eh eh eh..
or, stay together until wahida get married to aqim..
eh eh eh..
mengarut ni..

tp b4 tu akk nk ckp awl2..
akk mntk maaf..
antra suma yg akk sebut, akk plng rindu kt bdk comel sorg tu..
bdk comel a.k.a otaibut..
otaibut mana boleh bpisah dgn otaiko kn..

miss u adik..
let us meet this friday..

eh, alamak!!
hye korg..
keching!! keching!! keching!!

ok dh, end of the entry.

p/s: this is not a short entry..-_________-"